
The Student Biolab has a thriving community of students from all backgrounds & levels. We invite you to join our community by exploring the various options below, including Events, Book Club, Journal Club, Workshops, Parties + More!

Upcoming Community Events:

  • 22nd May - Discussion Evening (The Future of Lab Space)

  • 30th May – End of Semester BBQ


  • Speaker Events

  • Synbio Meetups

  • Workshops

Everlasting events

  • Journal Club

  • Book Club

  • Drinks at the Alumni Lounge

Messing Around

  • Summer Hike

  • Cinema Evening

  • End of Semester party

Ongoing Clubs

Chill Drinks at Alumni Lounge Hönggerberg or UZH

Discuss Life, synthetic biology and anything else with us at the lounge. Want to casually pitch a project idea or meet the team behind the Biolab? Then this is the place to be

Book Club

Round 6! We get together regularly to discuss a (Synthetic) Biology related book of our own choosing. Currently reading: Die Wahrheit Über Eva (German book, English discussion)

Journal Club

The journal club aims to promote scientific discourse between members and offers a great opportunity to read and discuss relevant papers in the field of synthetic biology. Anyone is warmly welcome to join, we are looking forward to all the interesting discussions and exchanges to be had!

To participate join the Journal Clubgroup in the Whatsapp community

The journal club is currently on hiatus - but please reach out if you have a specific paper you would like to discuss, as we are looking to restart the club.